But . . .
Should we have laws that hospitals must warn patients about smoking? Should doctors be required by law to give their patients information on heart disease or remind them to buckle their seat belts?
The only possible reason for this law is for the drug companies to make more money. Here are two videos that discuss one mother's plight.
The most important people on the planet, in terms of our future, are our children.
The second most important people on the planet are our mothers.
Men, have shown themselves to be, judging from history alone, mostly troublemakers.
I believe the fundamental causes of post-partum depression are:
- a lack of female community that can share women's wisdom about birthing children
- a lack of emotional nurturing of new mothers
- a lack of proper nutrition in pregnant women and post-partum mothers
- a lack of knowledge on the part of the medical establishment
Take a deep breath,
Dr. Ron